
711 Park Avenue Northwest
Willmar, MN 56201

Keep Your Kids Active

In today’s digital world, where screens are an integral part of our lives, it can be quite a task to ensure that our children lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity is not just essential for a child’s physical development but also plays a significant role in their mental and emotional well-being. Here are some tips for parents to keep their kids active and engaged in physical fitness.

Lead by Example

Children learn by example, so parents should be active themselves. Whether it’s a morning jog, a weekend hike, or a yoga session, showing your kids that you value physical activity will encourage them to follow suit. Making it a family affair only increases the benefits for everyone.

Make Fitness a Family Affair

Incorporate physical activities that the whole family can enjoy together. This could be as simple as a post-dinner walk, a family bike ride, or a game of catch in the backyard. When exercise is a family event, kids are more likely to be excited about it.

Encourage Outdoor Play

Encourage your children to play outside. Outdoor play is not only a great way for kids to get exercise, but it also helps them develop motor skills, creativity, and social skills.

Enroll Them in Sports

Sports are a great way to keep kids active. It teaches them about teamwork, discipline, and the joy of movement. Find a sport that your child enjoys and encourage them to stick with it.

Limit Screen Time

Set limits on how much time your child spends in front of screens. Encourage them to spend their free time being physically active instead.

Provide the Right Equipment

Having the right equipment can make physical activity more enjoyable for kids. Invest in good quality, age-appropriate gear that fits them well. This not only ensures safety but also makes the activity more fun.

Set Achievable Goals

Help your child set realistic and achievable fitness goals. This could be improving their time in a 100-meter dash, learning a new sport, or simply being active for a certain number of hours each week.

Encourage Participation in Events

Local events like the Miles 4 Mentors Fun Run Series offer a great opportunity for kids to be active and socialize. Encourage your children to participate and enjoy the spirit of friendly competition.

Offer Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate your child’s physical achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can motivate them to stay active and set higher goals.

Educate on the Benefits

Local events like the Miles 4 Mentors Fun Run Series offer a great opportunity for kids to be active and socialize. Encourage your children to participate and enjoy the spirit of friendly competition.

Create an Active Environment

Designate areas in your home for physical activity. It could be a corner with yoga mats or a space in the backyard for sports.

Be Supportive

Always show support for your child’s physical endeavors. Your interest and encouragement mean a lot to them.

A Healthier Future

Keeping kids active can be a genuine challenge that requires creativity, patience, and involvement. By incorporating these tips into your family’s routine, you can help your children lead a healthier and more balanced life away from screens. 

For more information or to get involved with our community, visit www.miles4mentors.org or contact us. Together, we can ensure that our families stay active and safe, one mile at a time.